The Thangalaan trailer, from Pa Ranjith's highly anticipated film starring Vikram, was unveiled on Wednesday. Set during the British Raj era, the movie features Vikram in the role of a formidable tribal leader. (Also Read: Vikram and Pa Ranjith’s Thangalaan to explore the 'real story' of KGF)
Thangalaan trailer
The 2-minute-9-second trailer offers plenty to digest. Vikram shared the trailer on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption, "Experience the saga of the Son of Gold, delving into history through sacrifice, sweat, and bloodshed."
The trailer begins with Parvathy Thiruvothu's character questioning Vikram about his state of mind, suggesting concerns about his mental health. Shortly after, a Britisher named Lord Clement arrives in their village, seeking gold with the assistance of the villagers.
A forewarning is given that searching for the gold is akin to seeking death. Malavika Mohanan portrays Aarathi, a purported sorceress defending the land from exploitation. The trailer concludes with Vikram adorned in gold dust, standing alongside his people.
The story of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF)
Thangalaan delves into the untold story behind the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) in Karnataka, according to the film's team. Earlier this year, they highlighted how Indians were referred to as ‘sone ki chidiya’ (gold bird) because of the KGF's significance.
The British exploited this massive gold mine, one of the world's largest, shipping over 900 tonnes of gold to England—an aspect largely unknown to many. Thangalaan aims to uncover the true narrative behind these mines.
Based on real-life events, Thangalaan portrays how the people of KGF defended their mines against British exploitation. The film explores their strategies to resist colonial oppression, set against the backdrop of pre-Independence India in the 19th century.
Thangalaan Release Date
Thangalaan faced initial release dates in January and later April of this year, both of which were postponed to August 15. The film features a stellar cast including Parvathy Thiruvothu, Malavika Mohanan, Pasupathi, Muthukumar, Hari Krishnan, Preethi, Arjun Prabhakaran, and Hollywood actor Daniel Goldragon.
GV Prakash has composed the music for the film, which is produced by Studio Green. Besides Tamil, Thangalaan is set to release in Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi. The film's intense and graphic teaser was unveiled in November last year and garnered a positive reception.